Saturday, February 6, 2010

IELTS Speaking questions from Australia – January 2010

IELTS Speaking questions from Australia were shared by M. (thank you!), who remembered this much: Speaking test Interview - What is your full name? - How can I call you? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Why did you choose that university? - What do you remember about the first day of university? - What is important to people on the first day in the university? - Do you like cooking? - Who does the cooking at home? - Did you learn how to cook from your mum? Cue card Talk about a famous person (not from your country) that you would like to meet. You should say - Who is he/she? - Why is the person famous? - How do you know about this famous person? - Explain why you would like to meet this famous person. Discussion - Do you want to be famous? Why? - Why does a famous person become famous? - What is the advantage and disadvantage to becoming famous? - How does famous persons influence people?

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